I Broke My Wrist (Pt 1)

Hot on the heels of my "I Broke My Face" series, a new development has occurred in the ongoing saga of my recent bike accident. When I went to the ER the first time they took CT scans of my head and X-rays of my wrist. At the time the X-rays of my wrist didn't indicate any fractures, so I was given a wrist splint to wear for a few weeks; the doctor told me that it could just be a sprained wrist, and that immobilizing it would help.

It's been nearly a month and my wrist isn't doing any better, so yesterday my doctor ordered new X-rays to be taken. The results came back today and they indicate that I've fractured my scaphoid bone. I have a followup appointment with my doctor on Monday to discuss treatment options. A likely outcome of this is that I'll get a Herbert screw put in my wrist to fuse the bone back together, but I won't find out for a few days.